Sandip Chaudhry

Head International Banking & Customer Growth

Sandip is a highly specialized sought after customer growth leader with 2 decades of experience in understanding and adapting to fast-growing banking segments, and creating revenue-rich programs. He brings a proven track record of building and transforming businesses into profitable and scalable success.

Sandip is intellectually curious and deeply motivated to understand the needs of customers & employees. This result-focused approach helps him deliver practical, executable strategies that drive long term shareholder value with a focus on tangible impact. Sandip’s highly adaptive and result oriented work ethic also lends well to demanding environments. He has proven leadership experience in gaining consensus and alignment in highly matrixed organizations. Sandip has the skills, the experience, and the expertise required to maximize growth, and do it sustainably.

Key Strengths: Executive Leadership, Budget|P&L Management, Customer Acquisitions, Customer Life Cycle Management, Business Development, B2B & B2C Sales Management, Product Management, Data Analytics, Marketing, Digitizations, Risk Management, Resource Management , Diversity & Inclusion.

Sandip holds a passion for community involvement and efforts to give back. He supports newcomers to Canada through mentorship, guidance and regular coaching, and ultimately helps them successfully integrate into the Canadian corporate world. He has extensive volunteer experience with organizations like Triec mentoring, Access Employment, Malton Community Center, Destination CEO, Ten Thousand Coffee and The Mentorship Group.

All Sessions by Sandip Chaudhry

Printer Friendly See 2023 Agenda

Day 1: Apr 27, 2022

Day 2: Apr 28, 2022